Your Journey Begins Now

Become the positive change in your family and those around you.

Read more about how I can help you make this transformation below

How My Services Are Different

We use an integrative and holistic therapeutic approach with our clients that gets profound results. Our proven and holistic approach focuses on healing the root cause of unwanted symptoms or patterns in your life, for lasting positive change. If you've tried traditional talk therapies and it hasn't moved you forward, this is for you.

Therapy That Works

The reason our approach is so different and impactful is because behavioural change takes place at a subconscious level. We work with both the conscious and subconscious mind. My techniques allow you to work at the subconscious level and release the effects of past negative experiences and change unwanted programming in minutes, rather than days, months or years.

For example, because talk therapists and coaches work only with the conscious mind it can take years, and a lot of money to change programming and they like to sit in the problem which can be traumatic for the client rather than future forward focussed. Working over zoom is very effective for this type of therapy as you’re already anchored to the comfort of your own home so you can relax easier.

My Programs and Sessions

Initial Consultation

Breakthrough Session

This initial session is perfect for you if you are curious and want to dip your toe in the water and experience what you can achieve with me before joining a bigger program.

In this session you will feel deeply seen and heard. We will uncover the blocks to feeling how you want to feel or achieving what you want to achieve, and you will finish feeling a sense of clarity and confidence in the steps to move forward, along with empowering tools to support your mental and emotional health.

  • Session Location: Zoom
  • Session Duration: 50 minutes
  • Your investment: $147

Coaching Program

Mindset Reset Program

Mindset Reset gets the name from drawing a line in the sand and starting fresh in life. This program is perfect for individuals who are ready to stop talking about their problems, and start breaking free from them instead.

The program consists of home activities and live sessions with Jess which guide you through self-reflection based upon neuro-scientific principles and concepts of human behaviour to understand your own experiences. You are then guided through a gentle but powerful process to clear the negative emotions from past events and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back in your day to day life.

Mindset Reset Program is ideal for

  • Anyone with negative emotions or experiences they want to let go of in order to move forward and feel more clear, calm and present with yourself and those you love most
  • Anyone with negative thoughts that are impacting their relationships, health, love life, self-worth, career, spirituality or any other aspect of life.
  • Anyone who has identified any kind of mismatch between the life they desire, and the life they are living.
  • Anyone who is TRULY ready for change, and who is committed to doing whatever it takes to create a better life for themselves.
  • You believe the best investment you can make is in YOURSELF.

What you'll get

  • 1 x 30 minute onboarding call
  • 2 x powerful 1:1 75 minute zoom sessions (value $500)
  • Self guided course with bite size lessons and resources - lifetime access (value $497)
  • Monday- Friday 9-5pm voice/text coaching support over 4 weeks (value $788)
  • Personalised affirmations recording ($47)

Email me for payment plan option here.

Coaching Program

Transform and Grow Program

The Transform & Grow program is my premium 1:1 12 week transformation experience on a mind, body and soul level for those who prefer to have their hand held privately, rather than in a group setting.

This is for you if you are done with feeling like you aren’t enough, tired of not being your most confident self, and over settling for less than you deserve in your relationships, career, and life.

This program is designed for people who are anxious, self doubting, fear failure, lack self-trust and are so ready to finally heal on the deepest level so they can thrive in their health, romantic relationships and their business/career.

Transform From

  • Overwhelm
  • Self-sabotage
  • Feeling lost
  • Anxiety
  • Low self-esteem/confidence
  • Negative self talk/self image
  • Harbouring negative emotions

I specialise in helping people shift their mindset towards taking action, making decisions and finding their inner confidence, self-compassion and excitement for what’s possible.

Together we will remove the subconscious blocks keeping you STUCK repeating negative patterns, and find safety in stepping outside your comfort zone, so that you can start taking empowered, confident action in ALL areas of your life.

This program is perfect for individuals who are ready to stop talking about their problems, and start breaking free from them instead!

We will release negative emotions from the past you've been carrying around in your emotional backpack weighing you down and uncover and upgrade those old beliefs that have been blocking you, to move you to an empowered state where you are positively driven to take action aligned with your goals.

The remaining sessions take more of a deep dive into specific areas to bring healing and deep self awareness such as:

  • Values
  • Psychology of the mind
  • Mindfulness
  • Self love and self compassion
  • How to meet your needs in healthy ways
  • Boundaries and communication for transformed relationships
  • Manifesting your dream life
  • Confidence and self esteem building

What you'll get

  • 6 x private 75 minute zoom sessions
  • Daily 9am-5pm voice/text coaching support over 12 weeks (value $2364)
  • Self guided course with bite size lessons and resources - lifetime access (value $497)
  • Personalised affirmations recording ($47)

What our clients are saying:

I have recently undergone the timeline reset program that Jess offers. Jess was able to walk me through a series of sessions that helped me unpack some beliefs that were being unhelpful and not allowing be to live my best life. Since undergoing her program, I have noticed a significant positive change in myself. For any one who is willing to dig deep and put in the work, I highly recommend Jess be the one to guide you through it ❤️

Anon Client

I was stuck in such a rut in all aspects of my life. I felt like I had no direction, no purpose and had some really big decisions to make in life, with no idea how to make them. My sister in law suggested I do the Timeline Reset after she had just completed it with Jess, and couldn’t stop talking about how much it had changed her life. I decided to give it a go and it was the best decision I have ever made. With Jess’s help, everything started to fall into place and I started to see my life, and myself in a whole new light. I would highly recommend this therapy to anyone and can’t thank Jess enough and will now forever consider her a friend.

Anon Client

Doing Timeline Reset has honestly changed my life. I had no idea how much I was holding onto and releasing it has allowed me to start living my life to it’s fullest. Working with Jess has been an absolute blessing and I couldn’t have thought of anyone better to guide me through my healing journey. The dark cloud I’ve lived under for so long has finally lifted and now all I see is a clear and bright future. Thank you so much Jess.

Anon Client

After feeling a little lost during a stressful time recently and not wanting to continue my usual patterns of over-thinking and anxiety spiral, I decided to reach out to Jess for some help after seeing her work through being a member of her Mums that thrive FB group.

After just one session, I felt like I’d gotten further than I have with the psychologist I’ve been seeing for the past 3 years. I feel more understood, that Jess can relate to me like I’ve never had before and am so excited to continue the work to find the best version of myself and get me to where I want to be 🙌🏼

Thank you, Jess. You really are a beautiful soul and I feel very lucky to have found you to help me

Anon Client

I just want to give a shout out to Jessica and her amazing program.

I was lost, sad and lacked confidence and self worth in droves. After umming and ahhing about doing this timeline reset, chatting to Jess I decided to just do it. What did I have to lose?

I am so incredibly thankful to myself I gave it a chance.

I have now let go of so much, and turned my thinking about myself around. I can see a future that is bright and impactful and fulfilling and I cannot underestimate the power of this program enough.

If you have thought about doing it, or even interested in finding out more – please don’t hesitate to get in contact with Jess and start the journey to self worth and acceptance of what has been and what is to come.

You will not regret it!

Anon Client

I can’t express enough how Jess’ coaching has changed my life! The way I view the world, how I view myself, my relationships with others and beyond! If you’re stuck in a rut, struggling internally or needing to take control of your life, Jess is your girl! It’s worth every penny and I wish I had done it sooner

Anon Client

My journey to self love, self compassion and healing began with a single session with Jessica. I was stuck in my past experiences and working with a psychologist for over two years yielded little or no change. I kept facing the same issues time and again.

By working with Jessica, I truly understood how my childhood experiences and mindset stopped me from being my true self. I feel free, calmer and in control of situations I face now. Truly blessed to have undergone timeline reset with Jessica. ❤️

Anon Client

You know. I have done so much work towards “fixing myself “. I knew when you told me your strategy that it would work for me. You can talk about your issues to psychologists and counsellors until the cows come home… and that I did. But I knew that it was always about targeting the words you say to yourself and the way that you feel about yourself that set you free. And that is why I had confidence in your method. Thank you beautiful. I cried for my inner child today because I truly had her back for once. I held her like my own baby. She has never been so comforted ever. Thank you xxxxxxxxxxxx

Anon Client

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